Friday, September 4, 2009

How did michael jackson die?? Jia Li here:)

Hello! My name is Jia Li. I am going to post about “how did MJ die?” Michael Jackson was only 50 year old, but because of injects too much of medicine. According to the news report, emergency medical services were called to his home in Los Angeles, where he was found in presumed cardiac arrest. CPR was performed, and he was rushed to UCLA Medical Center, which was about six minutes away.
Other reports stated that he was training for a new show, opening in London next month, and had recently undergone a thorough and complete physical exam. He apparently was given a clean bill of health.
It’s being reported that he died from sudden cardiac death, which according to the American College of Cardiology, is defined as, “the sudden cessation of cardiac activity so that the victim becomes unresponsive, with no normal breathing and no signs of circulation.” In these cases, there are often no warning signs, and loss of consciousness can occur between seconds to minutes due to lack of blood flow to the brain.
It’s estimated that up to 15 percent of total mortality in the United States is due to sudden cardiac death, and its incidence rises both with age and underlying cardiac disease, with the latter factor increasing the risk up to ten-fold.
Information from :

I think it is when Michael Jackson child time was cute…as he was child, he and his brothers have being a singer. This picture of him when he young was let people remember him. The URL:

This picture was when he was 20++, with a tiger. He like animals. I think he is a animal lover
The URL:

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